There are various types of Social Security benefits that are available. One such benefit is called Mother’s or Father’s Social Security benefits. These benefits are paid to a spouse/divorced spouse of a decreased or disabled worker. The spouse/divorced spouse will be eligible for these benefits if they are taking care of a child of the decreased or disabled worker. The child, however, must be under age the age of 16 or be disabled (and the child must have bene found disabled prior to the age of 22).
If you work at the same time as receiving Mother’s or Father’s Social Security benefits, your benefits will be reduced once you reach a certain amount of income. For 2015 that reduction starts at income of $1,310 per month. Once you start to earn over $1,310 these benefits will be reduced $1.00 for every $2.00 you earn.
If you are unable to work because of a disability contact Meyer, Puklich & Merriam, P.L.C. at 952-444-9920 for a free consultation. We are conveniently located in the southwest suburb of Eden Prairie near Minneapolis and serve not only the Twin Cities area, but the entire state of Minnesota.