Obtaining Benefits As An Injured Worker
There are various benefits you may be entitled to receive in a workers’ compensation case. At Meyer, Puklich, & Merriam, we are ready and willing to help you fight for them and recover damages. Below is an explanation of the types of compensation that may be available to you.
If you are out of work, you may be entitled to Temporary Total Disability. You can receive benefits known as Temporary Total Disability benefits once you have missed more than three days of work. These benefits provide you with two-thirds of your lost wages for a period of 130 weeks.
If you have returned to work, but you are making less money, you may be entitled to two-thirds of the difference between your prior wage and your current wage. This benefit is known as Temporary Partial Disability benefits.
In cases where you have suffered a permanent injury, the law provides what is known as Permanent Partial Disability.
Some individuals may also receive Permanent Total Disability benefits if they are not capable of returning to work as a result of their work-related injury. Permanent Total Disability benefits are restricted to a maximum rate of $850 per week, which can be reduced if you receive Social Security Disability benefits.
Rehabilitation And Job Training
You may also be eligible for services from a qualified rehabilitation consultant (QRC). A QRC provides injured employees with assistance getting back to work. Some instances in which employees may be entitled to receive retraining include: if they are unable to return to their former, or similar job at a comparable wage.
In some circumstances, some can receive retraining. When an injured employee is unable to return to work, the law may provide for a benefit known as “retraining.” This retraining benefit requires the insurance company to pay for the cost of the injured employee attending school or for skill enhancement courses.
The purpose of this retraining is to provide the needed training and skills that would allow the injured worker to earn a wage similar to that which they enjoyed prior to their injury. In addition to the actual costs of the retraining program, the insurance company is also responsible for paying wage loss benefits incurred while attending an approved program.
Medical Expenses
Your workers’ compensation insurance company is responsible for paying medical bills incurred as a result of your work-related injury. The rules regarding payment of these bills, and what treatment is covered, is complicated and cumbersome.
These medical issues are governed by the Minnesota Permanent Treatment Parameters and the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedule. In essence, an injured worker must show that the treatment requested or received is allowed by the rules and that it was reasonable, necessary and related to the claimed injury. If the insurance company denies payment of your medical bills, you have a right to a judicial determination on these bills.
Call Our Minnesota Attorneys Now
Our workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights. We stand ready, willing and able to assist you at any time. For a consultation, please call 952-444-9920 or tell us about your work injury online. Initial consultations are free.