Fighting For The Injured And Social Security Recipients

Retraining in Workers Compensation Claims

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Sometimes an injured employee is unable to return to their date of injury job.  Consequently, there are circumstances when an injured employee can go to school and have the insurance company pay for it.  This is called retraining.  The purpose of this retraining is to provide the needed training and skills that would allow the injured worker to earn a wage similar to that which they enjoyed prior to their injury.  In addition to the actual costs of the retraining program, the insurance company is also responsible for paying wage loss benefits incurred by the employee while attending an approved program.

If you have sustained an injury on the job and would like to speak with a workers’ compensation attorney, contact Meyer, Puklich & Merriam at 952-444-9920 for a free consultation.  We are conveniently located in the southwest suburb of Eden Prairie near Minneapolis and serve not only the Twin Cities area, but the entire state of Minnesota.